Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Living is an Art

I'm alive! I'm here! Cleaning house is good for the soul!

Re-designed the banner for the shop and started looking at what/how to re-list everything.

Christmas was pretty cool. Gave and received lots of nice presents. Made two cheesecakes from scratch (that were actually YUM!). Travelled around SoCal a lot to visit relatives.

Figured out what my new product will be. Here's the picture I jacked from my book:

Now just to make some samples!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It's slowly starting to sink in that the job I sank so much of myself into over the past seven years is now just GONE. I catch myself mulling over old failures and pointing to mistakes, thinking "that's the one" that got me laid off. But truthfully, the $$ was what got me laid off.

Still I kind of wonder why people would want to hire someone who was obviously not valuable enough for her old job to make allowances to keep. I always thought my job was essential to the function of the business. I guess not, if they can outright eliminate it.

It kind of makes me want to go to bed and stay there for a few weeks. But lord knows I can't do that... so I drag myself out of bed and go through the motions of writing resumes and data mining all of the job sites for potential leads. Bleah. I hate it.

This weekend, hubby and I are going to do a full inventory on the Painted Kitty stock and see what we can do to pep up the shop again. It's been running on autopilot for too long. I need to get some of my umph back into it.

So stay tuned for new products and new pictures and hopefully some cheerful posts.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Baby Steps...

I lolled around in bed for a couple of hours this morning, wallowing in self-pity and talking to a good friend on the phone. Husband brought me coffee and breakfast in bed. That chat cheered me up enough to begin setting up the mechanics of my job search.

Spent the rest of the day building a job-search database in MS Access so that I can track what positions I am applying for and for what companies. That's something that I have always found challenging when doing major job search - knowing to whom I have already submitted independent applications so that I don't stupidly submit the same thing twice (or allow an agency to submit me for a position I have already applied for independently). It also helped me knock some of the rust off my decaying database skills.

Filled out the Unemployment application online, then started data mining the CalJobs listings for leads to type into my pretty new database so that I don't forget to follow up on them.

After that was done, I pulled out my 7 year old resume and started ripping it apart. My old resume was far to dry and uninteresting. I decided to go with something still low-key, but that also demonstrates my skill with MS Word. I've drafted hundreds of data sheets and promotional fliers over the past years, and the eye I have developed is standing me in pretty good stead. Just need to add a little meat on the now-constructed skeleton, and I will be ready to start sending out applications.

In the mean time, I was fortunate to receive a couple of custom orders from my Etsy shop. So I can fill some of my non-employed downtime in being productive and bringing in at least a little tiny amount of money.

Things aren't peachy keen and hunky dory, but I'm concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other to go forward. Every now and again, though, I catch myself thinking of things that were on my to-do list at the ex-office. Stuff that I really wanted to complete this week, that will lie fallow until some poor shlub gets a nastygram from one of our customers or sub-contractors. Part of that makes me cringe... but then I remind myself that THEY sacked ME. So let them do it themselves. That's what they wanted, right? Riiiight.

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

"The Life of Brian" is one of my favorite Python movies. Right now, I'm thinking really hard about the end where the three guys on the cross are singing, "Always look on the bright side of life."

Yesterday, I got laid off. Canned. Sacked. Given the Old Heave Ho.

This morning, I woke up and started the process of figuring out what to do when I wake up and suddenly realize I don't have anywhere to go.

Always look on the bright side, right? More time for arts and crafts! More time to look for a new job. More time to sit home and play with my cats and rats.


I think I will go make something pretty.